paramount ceilings and partitions LTD Successful handover of assisted living home with Engie: Tom Urwin House – Silksworth

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A recent upgrade to fire regulations and the need to get domestic living properties up to code has seen a large boom in the UK fire safety industry. Paramount Ceilings and Partitions LTD has a major part in this regulation, as we provide the fire proof partitions in which to install these fire doors and better regulated windows.

paramount cpltd ceilings and partitions tom urwin house 7 1

Subcontracting from Engie, paramount ceilings and partitions LTD were assigned the task of fireproofing some unfit for purpose wooden panelled ceilings, removing and replacing older wooden partitions, and creating some new partitions, to bring this building up to regulations.

paramount ceilings and partitions north east ltd
This was initially a glass/wood partition which overlooked the main social room for the residents

The original works by paramount ceilings and partitions LTD were scheduled to last 2 weeks; but due to some unforeseen circumstances and working around other companies, this wasn’t always practice and so took 2 months to complete. Testiment to the flexibility of Paramount, we were able to work around other trades, such as fire proofing company Isoler and door installation company T. Mannors & Sons LTD to make sure all the residents were safe during the upgraded works.

With the help of Paramounts ‘PASMA’ Certified employees, some ceilings which were upwards of 5 meters from the floor were made easy to fireproof with the safety and care of all our subcontractors and colleagues, providing our own access platforms which where inspected each day and labelled correctly.

paramount ceilings and partitions north east ltd

Our team of Dry liners made light work of all the necessary ceilings and partitions, while our team of Plasters honed their skills in making it all fresh and modern, all while catering to the cleanliness that the residents would expect when work is being carried out in their homes.

Covid-19 was also a challenge, as all staff had to be temperature checked and signed in and out each day, while maintaining social distancing where applicable and checking with each resident when work was being carried out in their homes.

To see more of our projects, see here